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EVENT INVITE: Driving Sales Performance in Energy Project Development

Looking to expand your energy services solutions and business opportunities? Increase your sales performance in energy development by becoming a partner with Agave® Systems. Microgrids offer the opportunity to integrate various distributed generation resources such as solar PV, combined heat and power, and battery storage systems to meet the electric needs of a facility.  How do you generate demand and qualification for these projects?  How do you incorporate these disparate technologies in your business’s value proposition?  Are you challenged to demonstrate the best solutions to better a client’s energy usage? These questions and more are answered in an informative session geared to firms wanting to expand their distributed generation solutions and managed services business.  Join Steve Acevedo and Mark Gilbreth who share a number of best practices they have acquired through a combined 50+ years in the energy and high technology industry.  Better understand how the  Agave® Systems SaaS Platform expands your capabilities and resulting business opportunities.

This Event Has Already Occurred

Dates and Locations

Tuesday, August 6, 2019 8am-11am: San Diego- Corporate Alliance of San Diego, 9540 Towne Centre Dr, Suite 150, San Diego, CA 92121

Wednesday, August 7, 2019 8am-11am: Orange County- Rutan and Tucker, LLP 611 Anton Boulevard, 14th Floor, Costa Mesa CA 92626 

Thursday, August 8, 2019 8am-11am:  Los Angeles- USC Michelson Center for Convergent Bioscience 1002 West Childs Way, Los Angeles CA 90089



Steve Acevedo

  • Microgrid Trends and Direction
  • Consultative Selling: Complex Environment


  • Selling a Microgrid: Best Practices


Mark Gilbreth

  • Cogeneration, Solar, Battery Storage
  • Understanding the Client Environment: Agave® Systems Overview


  • Panel Discussion: Q & A

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