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Energy Consultant

Empowering Clients to Become Engaged

At Agave Systems, we empower energy consultants to enhance their service offerings with comprehensive and advanced analytics tools. Our platform provides invaluable support throughout the project development phase, enabling consultants to deliver insightful recommendations and strategies that significantly impact clients’ energy efficiency and cost management.

With Agave Systems, consultants can perform detailed on-site assessments, gaining a deep understanding of a building’s energy consumption patterns. Our platform’s advanced analytics allow for a thorough comparison of current and historical energy usage, facilitating the generation of clear and actionable energy audit reports. This data-driven approach helps clients make informed decisions, optimizing their energy strategy for better sustainability and cost-effectiveness.

Moreover, Agave Systems aids consultants in reviewing forecasting reports and staying updated on the latest trends, ensuring they can offer up-to-date advice on renewable energy saving alternatives. By assessing alternative energy companies and developing comprehensive recommendations, consultants can present tailored solutions that address both the cost and implementation aspects, effectively meeting the client’s specific needs.

Construction workers
Staff in front of energy panel
Workers examining system

Effective Energy Management is a Process

Our platform also streamlines the process of requesting proposals from renewable energy vendors, overseeing the installation of energy systems, and tracking energy consumption to ensure that performance indicators are met. With Agave Systems, consultants can maintain a trusted advisor role, updating clients’ policies and procedures and providing insights into emerging technologies and regulations.

By integrating Agave Systems into their workflow, energy consultants are equipped to navigate the complexities of energy management, delivering solutions that not only enhance energy efficiency but also drive meaningful, sustainable change.

Key Energy
What if? Savings

Client Success Story

$150,000 in annual savings

Agave® Analytics’ data analysis was crucial in refining our strategy, leading to significant operational improvements. This approach resulted in our client saving over $150,000 annually, demonstrating the substantial impact of Agave® Analytics’ insights on the project’s success. A real win for our client and our consulting company.

Client Success Story